Data Source: California Energy Commission Analysis by Beacon Economics
  • The share of Northwest imports that are from RPS-eligible renewables rose sharply from 30.0% in 2022 to 67.2% in 2023, but the share of Southwest imports from the same sources decreased from 37.5% in 2022 to 33.8% in 2023.75 However, the unprecedented level of percentage increase from the Northwest is due to the sharp drop of imports from unspecified source, which fell from 12,485 GWh in 2022 to just 100 GWh in 2023, and from large hydro, which fell by more than half from 10,803 GWh in 2022 to 4,712 GWh in 2023. Imports of renewable energy from the Northwest rose slightly from 10,270 GWh in 2022 to 10,701 GWh in 2023. For the first time since 2009, imports of renewable generation from the Southwest fell in 2023 after a surge in 2022. The decline is primarily due to lower imports from solar generation. Imports supplied 26.5% of California’s renewable energy, with 10.3% from the Northwest and 16.2% from the Southwest.

75 The Northwest category is made up of Alberta, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, and Wyoming. The Southwest category includes Arizona, Baja California, Colorado, Mexico, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Utah.

  • Electricity imports from the Southwest are more carbon-intensive (higher GHG emissions per MWh imported) than in-state generation and Northwest imports. This is due to the Southwest having a larger portion of generation from coal and natural gas, even as fossil fuel’s contribution to the Southwest imports has dropped from 47.7% in 2010 to 26.4% in 2023. By comparison, generation from fossil fuel made up 1.4% of Northwest imports. If California is to achieve its clean energy goals, it must account for and make significant efforts to eliminate electricity imports generated from fossil fuel sources. Moreover, a large portion of California’s imports come from “unspecified sources,” which are not traceable to specific generating facilities.76 Given the almost complete absence of fossil fuel sources in Northwest imports, it is plausible that most of the GHG emissions from Northwest imports are from unspecified sources. While Northwest imports from unspecified sources was abnormally low (0.6%) in 2023, historically Northwest imports from unspecified origins has been one of the largest sources besides wind and large hydro. Therefore, it is unclear whether the low level in 2023 is a temporary fluke.

76 According to California Energy Commission, unspecified sources of power are typically a mix of resource types, and may include renewables. This category can also include spot market purchases, wholesale energy purchases, and purchases from pools of electricity where the original source of fuel can no longer be determined. Retrieved from: