  • The No Fuel Used subsector experienced the fastest year-over-year increase for home heating (+7.8%) in 2021, followed by Electricity or solar energy (+7.5%). Electricity or solar energy use among household units has the most substantial long-term growth among all other fuels, averaging a 3.19 percent compounded average growth rate (CAGR) between 2010 and 2021, compared to the -0.14 percent CAGR recorded for utility gas. Additionally, from 2010 to 2021, electricity or solar energy-powered homes increased by 35.3 percent, whereas utility gas powered homes decreased by 1.5 percent. 2021 also marked the year where bottled, tank, or LP gas had the most significant year-over-year decrease of 11.9 percent since 2008. Despite the drop—which was likely affected by the previous large increase—it’s share compared to all other home heating fuels has been increasing—2021 holds the highest level of share (3.47%) since 2008 (except for 2020 which was 4.0 percent). Part 6 of Title 24 was updated in January 2020, and the updated California solar mandates of 2020 required that all new residential homes meet Title 24 requirements, which made California’s building standard code the first in the nation to require solar readiness for newly built homes (with caveats regarding site suitability and cost-effectiveness).187 In September 2022, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) also voted to ban the sale of commercial and residential natural gas heaters by 2030, which should further reduce demand for utility gas over the coming years.188

187 “2022 Building Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential and Nonresidential Buildings: For the 2022 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Title 24, Part 6, and Associated Administrative Regulations in Part 1.” California Energy Commission. July 12, 2022.Retrieved from: https://www.energy.ca.gov/publications/2022/2022-building-energy-efficiency-standards-residential-and-nonresidential

188 Echeverria, Danielle. “California will ban the sale of natural-gas heaters by 2030. This technology could replace them.” San Francisco Chronicle. September 22, 2022. Available at: https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/California-will-ban-the-sale-of-natural-gas-17460877.php