  • As of 2021, California accounted for 41 percent of small scale solar PV net generation in the residential sector nationwide, 31 percent in the commercial sector, and 72 percent in the industrial sector. Small scale solar PV generation experienced a steady growth in California as well as the U.S. Compared to 2020, generation in the commercial sector grew at a similar pace in California (+14%) and the rest of the nation (+19%), while generation in the industrial sector grew faster in California (+12%) than the rest of the U.S. (+7%). Small-scale solar PV net generation in the residential sector has slowed by 2 percent in 2021, while it also slowed by 3 percent in the rest of the U.S. Notably, both utility-scale and distributed solar installations have been delayed due to an 18-percent price increase for fixed-tilt installation project costs, impacted by supply chain constraints.156

156 Penrod, E. (March 14, 2022). Solar growth, new installations slowing in the face of 18% price increases, report says. Dive Brief; Utility Dive. Retrieved from: https://www.utilitydive.com/news/solar-growth-new-installations-slowing-in-the-face-of-18-price-increases/620297/