  • In 2018, California’s carbon intensity was 57.1 percent lower than that of the rest of the U.S. Compared to 2017, California’s carbon intensity dropped 2.6 percent while that of the rest of the U.S. actually increased 0.1 percent. California has had a larger decline in carbon intensity compared to other large states. Only Florida’s came close (-2.2%); Texas (-0.5%) and Ohio (-0.3%) both had modest drops while other states’ carbon intensity actually increased: Illinois (+1.0%), New York (+2.4%), and Pennsylvania (+0.5%).
  • Among the fifty states (excluding the District of Columbia), California advanced its position one place as the third-most carbon-efficient state (MTCO2e relative to inflation-adjusted GDP) in 2018, behind New York (0.101 MTCO2e/$1,000) and Massachusetts (0.110 MTCO2e/$1,000).