Data Source: California Energy Commission Fossil Fuel Sources = Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas; Other Sources = Nuclear, Unspecified, and Other. Analysis by Beacon Economics
Data Source: California Energy Commission Analysis: Beacon Economics
  • In 2022, the generation of electricity from Waste Heat and Petroleum Coke (which are considered “Other” and neither fossil fuels nor renewables) in California reached an unprecedented low, totaling just 315 GWh, the lowest recorded since 2001. Interestingly, contrary to the preceding trend of successive declines in small hydro, there was a notable reversal with an impressive 18.7 percent year-over-year increase—the first such increase since 2019.
  • Electricity generation from RPS-eligible renewable sources and large hydroelectric accounted for 45.1 percent of the power mix, an increase from 42.8 percent in 2021. The decrease in generation from fossil fuel sources was mostly made up by solar energy. In 2022, hydroelectric generation within the state rose by a substantial 21 percent, surging to 17,612 GWh from its previous mark of 14,567 GWh in 2021. This increase translated to a notable shift in its contribution to in-state generation, elevating its share to 8.7 percent, a distinct improvement from the 7.5 percent observed in the preceding year.
  • Despite the recent uptick in electricity generation from small hydro, the resource remains dependent on increasingly variable precipitation levels, and the 2022 generation levels remain 43.8 percent below the 2019 peak.
  • Diablo Canyon stands as the final remaining nuclear power plant in the state of California, representing what some see as a crucial asset to support energy reliability as the state accelerates progress towards achieving clean energy and climate goals. Originally slated to retire in 2025, SB 846,130 adopted in summer 2022, opens up the possibility for the plant to continue operating until October 31, 2030.

130 California Legislative Information. SB-846 Diablo Canyon Powerplant: extension of operations. Released Sep 02,2022. Assess Aug 24,2023. Available at: